Nigerian Passenger Relays Near Death Experience On Aborted United Airlines Flight To US (Video)


An unnamed passenger has shared her near-death experience on board United Airlines flight from Lagos to Washington, DC on Thursday 

Hear her

"We had a harrowing experience on United flight from Lagos to Washington, DC. The plane was spiraling out of control and lost its navigational and other tools. 

We had gone past Abidjan, and were initially to make an emergency landing in Ghana but the plane later regained all lost tools and we were able to come back to Lagos with some people injured including some crew members. 

When we landed, we had to wait for medical personnel who took forever to come to the plane. We have no value for human life in this country and therefore are never prepared for emergencies. 

Having survived a plane with major technical issues, surviving the Almighty Nigerian attitude seemed a bigger threat. May God heal this country. 

We were housed in a hotel near the airport, I am still traumatised like many other passengers. 

I was able to get this video from one of the passengers. Flight has been cancelled due to a technical issue. Please thank God for all of us who survived this near death experience."

CKNNews have confirmed the incident 

There has not been any reaction from the NSIB , NCAA ,FAAN or even the Ministry of Aviation on the incident 



Chris Kehinde Nwandu is the Editor In Chief of CKNNEWS || He is a Law graduate and an Alumnus of Lagos State University, Lead City University Ibadan and Nigerian Institute Of Journalism || With over 2 decades practice in Journalism, PR and Advertising, he is a member of several Professional bodies within and outside Nigeria || Member: Institute Of Chartered Arbitrators ( UK ) || Member : Institute of Chartered Mediators And Conciliation || Member : Nigerian Institute Of Public Relations || Member : Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria || Fellow : Institute of Personality Development And Customer Relationship Management || Member and Chairman Board Of Trustees: Guild Of Professional Bloggers of Nigeria

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