Sour Relationship: ERHIEVUYERE Family Cries Out Over Harrassment, Detention Of Lady

 The family of Dominic ERHIEVUYERE has cried out over what it labelled an injustice being meted out to the family 

This is an unedited press statement issued by the family 

Ladies and gentlemen,

Thank you for being here today. 

I am Erhievuyere-Dominic Oghenetega Peter and I stand before you not only as a member of the Peter Dominic ERHIEVUYERE family, but as a citizen of our great nation whose family members’ fundamental rights are being trampled upon by those with access to power. 

It's with great sadness and frustration that I address you today to shed light on a grave injustice that members of my family are facing.

Over a year now, my Mother Lydia Abosede Erhievuyere and my Sister Omafume Tina Ayinuola have been falsely accused of fraud by a powerful business mogul and stockbroker Mr Peter Ololo Ukuoritsemofe of a daily ever-increasing figure but started an initail sum of 1 Billion Seventy-two Million, Two hundred and Fifty Four Thousand Naira(1,072,254,411) and 975,102.58.

 Omafume worked in various companies before she joined RSL international, a part of the Pinepetosan group of companies in 2015. She started working directly under the leadership of Tosan Alimi who was the Md of RSL international and also the group deputy managing director of the group of companies. She was also reporting to Patience Carew who was the Group Financial Director and MD of Resolution Finance Limited.

As a hard working young lady dedicated to her duties, she received an award for most dedicated staff in the pinepetosan group of companies for two consecutive years. Omafume exponentially rose and became the Chief Financial Officer. This promotion meant that she was required to file reports, accounts, and activities to the head office, on behalf of Mrs.

Alimi and RSL international. It may also be worth noting that Mrs Alimi and Mrs Carew are Executive members of the group and also daughters of Mr. Peter Ololo, Chairman and stakeholder of the group.

Communicating with the head office subsequently led to working closely with the CEO of the group of companies: Mr Peter Ukuoritsemofe Ololo, till 2020 when Mrs Alimi applied for an indefinite leave of absence. Up until that point, there weras  no “alleged” issues of misappropriation of funds nor manipulation of accounts reported either  by the company's executive management or by the external auditors; Bakertilly Nigeria. 

Omafume was then promoted to the position of managing director of RSL international later in the year 2020 and after seeing the instant improvement in the company’s operations and books, it didn’t take long to recognize Mrs. Omafume’s management prowess and so she was branded an invaluable asset to the group of companies.

Peter Ololo began to see a possible partnership that goes beyond business between him and Omafume, who was a single mother. An amorous relationship started between the two. 

Love gone sour

In Dec. 2022, Omafume decided she needed a rest as a result Work Overload, and constant emotional abuse from a possessive and jealous Peter Ololo.She proceeded on a week vacation with her children.

Getting back to the office, Mr Ololo accused her of cheating and travelling to London with another man. He mandated her to resign. She resigned but implored him to investigate.

As a procedure, Mr Ololo invited auditors to audit her accounts but found nothing. He later approached her to withdraw the resignation after his investigations into her vacation but she refused. 

He sought support from Omafume’s parents, but was  told it is her decision to take. He also went to Omafume’s pastor to intervene and went as far        as inviting his pastor from the Deeper Life church, where he attends, to aid in convincing Omafume to return to him; even if she didn’t want to return to the company.However despite his best efforts, She refused.

But Peter Ololo will not take No! for an answer. In January 2023, Peter Ololo with the help of Omafume’s cousin, broke into Omafume’s house and carted away a lot of her valuables, even bed sheets and changed the locks while she was at her Father’s house(she had to seek solace there because of Peter Ololo’s persitent visits and cries which was very disturbing) to recuperate from jet-lag.

After this did not yield desired result, Omafume was arrested by Interpol in March 2023 while taking her children to school and detained for a week, without any prior invitation or notice. Her mother was also invited for interrogation. While her car and that of her father’s were forcefully seized.

All Omafume’s bank accounts with those of her children and Mother were thereafter frozen( an action that was later extended to her brothers’ account also).

This action denied us the means to access good Lawyer representation in this matter for a long period).

After, she was granted administrative bail, interpol insisted that she reports daily and it was during these frequent drives that she noticed being followed, she informed the investigating officers but she said she was told they could not protect her(this fueled her decision to apply for another international passport with the hope of seeking assylum if necessary).

Omafume’s Lawyer as at then Barr. Adeola Ibrahim advised that she sues both Interpol and the banks for violation of her Human Right, since Interpol had refused to charge the matter to court, refused her protection, instead ask her daily presence for what seemed like a reconciliation efforts and the banks for unlawfully freezing her accounts. A newly assigned commisioner to interpol as at then even admonished his officers that interpol cannot be used in the retrieval of what has already been given as gift since Ololo admitted to gifting Omafume, her Children and Family members things during their relationship, but that however, the theft allegation be investigated for evidence.

Omafume initiated a Suit against Interpol and the Banks as advised. Hon. Justice Faaji granted an order restraining the police from further action against Omafume and her family until determination of the suit but in a twist of events, On 9th Aug. 2023, an SMS was sent from an unknown number purported to be from FCIID Alagbon asking Omafume and her mother to report by 1000hrs the next day, doubting this source of this message, Omafume demanded the invite be made formal. Alas it was a siege of Policemen that woke us the next morning with one of Omafume’s sureties who had been picked in the earlier hours of 10th Aug. 2023.

As Omafume was having her exams, she sent a message promising to report as soon as she has concluded, this she did on the 16th Aug. 2023 but as soon as she reported, she was arraigned and it was straight to Kirikiri for her and my Mother.

This detention prevented her from further appearance in court and follow up on the Human Right case while unknown to her,  her Lawyer also did never showed up in court thereafter, prompting the Judge to dismiss the case.

It was at this point that I resigned my appointment with RSL Ventures Capital also part of the Pinepetosan group of companies in Aug. 2023. I can factually tell you that with the internal control put in place, no one person can initiate and close a transaction. 

For a company that has traditionalised end-of-month stock count and Quarterly audit, how did this “alledged theft” take place for years? and why is she “conveniently” the only staff involved, with her mother and Siblings?

In October 2023, my mother was granted bail in the sum of Five Hundred Million Naira(500,000,000) while Omafume is still being detained till this moment.

The actions taken against my family have caused immense emotional, financial distress and hardship. Imagine waking up one day to find mother and daughter arrested and thrown in jail(with no access to family members), assets frozen, reputation tarnished, and family's future uncertain.

This is the reality that we are facing.

What is happening to us is not just an attack on our family, but an attack on the principles of justice, equity and fairness. It's a stark reminder of how power and wealth can be wielded by few individuals to crush the hopes and aspirations of those who dare to stand in the way of their personal agenda.

I call upon the authorities to conduct a thorough and impartial investigation into these false accusations. Justice must prevail, and those who have abused their power must be held accountable for their actions.

To the press, I urge you to uphold the principles of truth and objectivity. Do not allow yourselves to be manipulated by those with ulterior motives. Seek the facts, and report them accurately.

To members of the public and fellow citizens, I ask for your solidarity and support during this difficult time. Stand with us as we fight for justice and reclaim our dignity.

Finally, let me reiterate: we are innocent, we refuse to be intimidated or silenced(even though our lives are in danger).

We shall not rest until my Mother’s name and that of Omafume are cleared and their rights are restored. 

Thank You




Chris Kehinde Nwandu is the Editor In Chief of CKNNEWS || He is a Law graduate and an Alumnus of Lagos State University, Lead City University Ibadan and Nigerian Institute Of Journalism || With over 2 decades practice in Journalism, PR and Advertising, he is a member of several Professional bodies within and outside Nigeria || Member: Institute Of Chartered Arbitrators ( UK ) || Member : Institute of Chartered Mediators And Conciliation || Member : Nigerian Institute Of Public Relations || Member : Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria || Fellow : Institute of Personality Development And Customer Relationship Management || Member and Chairman Board Of Trustees: Guild Of Professional Bloggers of Nigeria

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