Police Uncovers Plans To Attack House Of Assembly Over Kano Emir Crisis


Kano State Commissioner of Police, Mohammed Usaini Gumel, says Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf has perfected the royal crisis in the state.

He said this at a press briefing which held at Government House, Kano, on Sunday night.

Explaining the role of the police in the emirship tussle, Gumel said the police would enforce the law.

He also said security operatives had uncovered plot to unleash mayhem on the state while targeting some places, including the House of Assembly.

Gumel, who had earlier warned trouble makers to steer clear of the crisis, vow that the long arm of the law would catch up with whoever tests the resolve of security operatives.

He said, “Today, we are here to address you on one very key issue that has to do with the security situation in the state which you and all of us have been managing together since the issue around the chieftaincy affairs in the State started.

“We have received credible information about miscreants trying to unleash terror at locations, particularly the House of Assembly and other key places within the state. It has been verified by so many sources.

“Anybody who wants to test the ground, the security has the capacity to deal with the miscreants. We have perfected plans to embark on serious patrols and detection on locations where we are informed the miscreants are hiding.

“We are going to embark on house-to-house search; anybody who feels he is stronger than the law should try it. Kano will remain safe and nobody can override the decision.

“The issue of chieftaincy affairs has been perfected by the executive arm of government. We are standing by the law and we are strictly going to enforce the existing law.”

He further said different groups have been mobilised and paid to carry out attacks and disrupt peace.


Chris Kehinde Nwandu is the Editor In Chief of CKNNEWS || He is a Law graduate and an Alumnus of Lagos State University, Lead City University Ibadan and Nigerian Institute Of Journalism || With over 2 decades practice in Journalism, PR and Advertising, he is a member of several Professional bodies within and outside Nigeria || Member: Institute Of Chartered Arbitrators ( UK ) || Member : Institute of Chartered Mediators And Conciliation || Member : Nigerian Institute Of Public Relations || Member : Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria || Fellow : Institute of Personality Development And Customer Relationship Management || Member and Chairman Board Of Trustees: Guild Of Professional Bloggers of Nigeria

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