Revealed:Identity Of Nanny That Kidnapped Two School Children In Lagos

A source at PrimeRose School in Gbagada Phase II, Lagos State has given insights into the events that led to the abduction of two pupils of the school.

The kids – Nadia Mutana, six, and Khalifa Mutana, three – were abducted on Monday by their nanny, who picked them up from the school after closing time.

While Nadia is in Primary one, her brother is said to be a Nursery one pupil.

It was learnt that the abductor, identified only as Busayo, was employed about eight days before the incident through the kids’ grandmother.

 It was however said that not much was known about her details as efforts to track her had yet to yield positive results. The nanny’s phone number was also reportedly not reachable.

The victims’ parents declined to speak about the abduction when  visited on Friday at their residence on Olusola Olude Close, Gbagada Phase II.

The house is some distance away from the school located on Bunmi Joseph Close.

“I don’t want to say anything for now. The story will be told after my kids are found. Just pray for us, please,” the weary-looking father, Aneru Mutana, said abruptly before he went back into a room where a relative had gone to fetch him .

 His wife was heard telling some people that the nanny’s sister once came to her shop. She also declined to speak on the incident.

 The source explained that the family newly employed the nanny and authorised her to pick the kids from the school.

According to the source, Busayo came to pick them around 6pm on Monday shortly after the school closed for the day.

The source stated that trouble started around 7pm when the eldest brother of the victims came to ask for them.

“The eldest brother was told that the nanny had come to pick them. The brother said neither the nanny nor his siblings were at home. When the nanny’s line was called, it indicated that it was switched off. Then they called the mother on the phone and she rushed down from her shop; her husband also came.

“We learnt they got the nanny through the children’s grandmother. They were not kidnapped from the school. It was an authorised nanny who came for them. The mother introduced the nanny to her children’s class teachers.

“The first time the nanny came to pick them, we challenged her and spoke to the mother on the phone and she confirmed that she had authorised her. The major problem is that the parents don’t have the details of the nanny. They employed her about eight days before the incident. She probably gave them a fake address and they did not verify her profile,” the source said.

The source also explained that a closed circuit television mounted on the school revealed how the nanny entered the school premises and left with the children, adding that the abduction was not the fault of the management.
The abducted children

The source added, “We opened the gate for the nanny to gain entry into the school premises that evening. The CCTV showed how she was making a call inside a classroom, but I don’t know the details of the phone call. After getting the children, she left the premises.

 “Some officials from the Ministry of Education have visited the school this morning (Friday) as a result of the incident. What is painful is that the school’s name is being tagged with the abduction whereas it was not our fault.

 “The school sympathises with the family. Staff members have visited them. I believe by God’s grace, the children will be found.”

In a notice pasted on the school wall and signed by the proprietress, Mrs. A. O. Joseph, the management urged parents to learn from the incident and double-check the profiles of caregivers before entrusting children in their care.

It read in part, “Sequel to the incident involving two of our pupils, we write to inform you that it was not as a result of any form of negligence or breach of security on the part of the school. It is simply a case of abduction in which parents do not have any background information about the supposed caregiver they employed.

“We are in distress as a school because two of our precious jewels are involved and this is a hard blow to us. We implore all parents to join us as we pray for the safe return of these children.”

The Police Public Relations Officer, Lagos State Police Command, CSP Chike Oti, said the case had been reported to the police and investigations had commenced.

 He said, “On November 26, 2018 at about 1930hrs (7.30pm), one Aneru Mutana of Olusola Olude Close, Gbagada Phase II, came to the station with his wife and reported that at 1800hrs (6pm) when he came back from work, he could not find his home help, named Busayo, said to be about 18 years old; his daughter, Nadia Mutana; and son, Khalifa Mutana. He stated further that he called the home help’s phone line but it was switched off.”


Chris Kehinde Nwandu is the Editor In Chief of CKNNEWS || He is a Law graduate and an Alumnus of Lagos State University, Lead City University Ibadan and Nigerian Institute Of Journalism || With over 2 decades practice in Journalism, PR and Advertising, he is a member of several Professional bodies within and outside Nigeria || Member: Institute Of Chartered Arbitrators ( UK ) || Member : Institute of Chartered Mediators And Conciliation || Member : Nigerian Institute Of Public Relations || Member : Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria || Fellow : Institute of Personality Development And Customer Relationship Management || Member and Chairman Board Of Trustees: Guild Of Professional Bloggers of Nigeria

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