“Dr” Williams Babatunde Fowler, who was on Thursday appointed to head Nigeria’s Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) by President Muhammad Buhari, holds a dubious honorary doctorate degree in England from an institution known as the “Irish International University.”
“Dr” Williams Babatunde Fowler, who was on Thursday appointed to head Nigeria’s Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) by President Muhammad Buhari, holds a dubious honorary doctorate degree in England from an institution known as the “Irish International University.” "Dr" Babatunde Fowler
The fake institution was exposed as a degree mill by the BBC in 2008 as offering bogus and useless honorary degrees.
In announcing Mr. Fowler’s appointment, presidential spokesman Femi Adesina claimed that Mr. Folwer “had his higher education in the United States where he obtained a Bachelor's degree in Economics from the University of Wisconsin and a Master of Business Administration degree from the California State University.”
He also stated that Fowler holds an “Honorary Doctorate Degree of the Irish International University”.
That listing of Mr. Fowler’s academic degrees immediately began to provoke close enquiry.
A United States-based university professor, Farooq Kperogi, writing on Facebook, said, “After months of delays, ostensibly to properly vet his appointees, President Buhari just appointed somebody that may turn out to be a total fraud. He appointed a certain "Dr." William Babatunde Fowler as the Executive Chairman of the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS). In a news release signed by Femi Adesina, this red flag appears on the man's qualifications: "Fowler, who holds an Honorary Doctorate Degree [sic] of the Irish International University, is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria and the Business Management Association of the United Kingdom." Well, Irish International University is a fraudulent, non-existent university (see http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/education/7175730.stm).
“Second, the Committee of Vice Chancellors in Nigeria has ruled that people with even legitimate honorary doctorates cannot prefix "Dr." to their names, as is the practice globally (see http://www.farooqkperogi.com/.../finally-some-good-news...). I fear that if this Fowler's other qualifications are looked into, a big scandal may break out. His bachelor's degree, for instance, is said to be from the "University of Wisconsin" and his master's degree from "California State University."
According to Kperogi, “The trouble is, University of Wisconsin and California State University are multiple-campus universities; you can't just say you attended the University of Wisconsin without mentioning the location. The University of Wisconsin has 26 campuses, and California State University has 23 campuses. Something is fishy here!”
However, Wikipedia has a more detailed listing of Mr. Fowler’s lower degrees which appears to grant credibility to them, stating that he “obtained his first bachelors’ degree with a Bachelor of Science in Economics and a minor in Political Science in 1978.”
It adds that he completed a second bachelors’ degree program at California State University, Los Angeles and also a Master of Business Administration degree program at California State University, Dominguez Hills in 1981.”
Despite all that, Wikipedia does not list Fowler’s “Honorary Doctorate Degree” from the Irish International University in its citation.
A cursory look at the Irish International University shows that it is a fake “university” operated by a United Kingdom aristocrat, Professor Baron Knowth, who serves as the Honorary Chancellor of the Irish International University. Despite being exposed by the BBC as a fake university offering bogus and useless honorary degrees, Irish International University has continued to do business. Several Nigerian politicians, led by former Lagos state governor and now National Leader of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Bola Tinubu, received honorary degrees from it early in 2008. In addition to Tinubu, broadcaster Bisi Olatilo, BEN TV UK owner, Alistair Soyode, Timi Alaibe, now Oba of Ugbo, Fredrick Akinrutan, Senator Grace Bent and a scion of the Ooni of Ife, all received a fake honorary degree in an event orchestrated by the fake university in London.
It is not clear when Mr. Fowler received his so-called honorary degree from the fake institution, but it is generally believed that his appointment may have been facilitated by Mr. Tinubu, with whom he previously worked at Alpha-Beta, a shadowy and controversial tax revenue company.
“Dr” Williams Babatunde Fowler, who was on Thursday appointed to head Nigeria’s Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) by President Muhammad Buhari, holds a dubious honorary doctorate degree in England from an institution known as the “Irish International University.” "Dr" Babatunde Fowler
The fake institution was exposed as a degree mill by the BBC in 2008 as offering bogus and useless honorary degrees.
In announcing Mr. Fowler’s appointment, presidential spokesman Femi Adesina claimed that Mr. Folwer “had his higher education in the United States where he obtained a Bachelor's degree in Economics from the University of Wisconsin and a Master of Business Administration degree from the California State University.”
He also stated that Fowler holds an “Honorary Doctorate Degree of the Irish International University”.
That listing of Mr. Fowler’s academic degrees immediately began to provoke close enquiry.
A United States-based university professor, Farooq Kperogi, writing on Facebook, said, “After months of delays, ostensibly to properly vet his appointees, President Buhari just appointed somebody that may turn out to be a total fraud. He appointed a certain "Dr." William Babatunde Fowler as the Executive Chairman of the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS). In a news release signed by Femi Adesina, this red flag appears on the man's qualifications: "Fowler, who holds an Honorary Doctorate Degree [sic] of the Irish International University, is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria and the Business Management Association of the United Kingdom." Well, Irish International University is a fraudulent, non-existent university (see http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/education/7175730.stm).
“Second, the Committee of Vice Chancellors in Nigeria has ruled that people with even legitimate honorary doctorates cannot prefix "Dr." to their names, as is the practice globally (see http://www.farooqkperogi.com/.../finally-some-good-news...). I fear that if this Fowler's other qualifications are looked into, a big scandal may break out. His bachelor's degree, for instance, is said to be from the "University of Wisconsin" and his master's degree from "California State University."
According to Kperogi, “The trouble is, University of Wisconsin and California State University are multiple-campus universities; you can't just say you attended the University of Wisconsin without mentioning the location. The University of Wisconsin has 26 campuses, and California State University has 23 campuses. Something is fishy here!”
However, Wikipedia has a more detailed listing of Mr. Fowler’s lower degrees which appears to grant credibility to them, stating that he “obtained his first bachelors’ degree with a Bachelor of Science in Economics and a minor in Political Science in 1978.”
It adds that he completed a second bachelors’ degree program at California State University, Los Angeles and also a Master of Business Administration degree program at California State University, Dominguez Hills in 1981.”
Despite all that, Wikipedia does not list Fowler’s “Honorary Doctorate Degree” from the Irish International University in its citation.
A cursory look at the Irish International University shows that it is a fake “university” operated by a United Kingdom aristocrat, Professor Baron Knowth, who serves as the Honorary Chancellor of the Irish International University. Despite being exposed by the BBC as a fake university offering bogus and useless honorary degrees, Irish International University has continued to do business. Several Nigerian politicians, led by former Lagos state governor and now National Leader of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Bola Tinubu, received honorary degrees from it early in 2008. In addition to Tinubu, broadcaster Bisi Olatilo, BEN TV UK owner, Alistair Soyode, Timi Alaibe, now Oba of Ugbo, Fredrick Akinrutan, Senator Grace Bent and a scion of the Ooni of Ife, all received a fake honorary degree in an event orchestrated by the fake university in London.
It is not clear when Mr. Fowler received his so-called honorary degree from the fake institution, but it is generally believed that his appointment may have been facilitated by Mr. Tinubu, with whom he previously worked at Alpha-Beta, a shadowy and controversial tax revenue company.
Assalamualaikum wr.wb,saya BPK.KARTA seorang buruh tani di madium jawa timur ingin mengucapka banyak terimah kasih kepada KI WARSA atas bantuan AKI. kini impian saya selama ini sudah jadi kenyataan dan berkat bantuan KI WARSA pula yang telah memberikan angka gaib hasil ritual beliau kepada saya yaitu 4D dan alhamdulillah telah berhasil memenangkan 5x berturut turut tembus.sekali lagi makasih yaa AKI karna waktu itu saya cuma bermodalkan uang cuma 200 ribu dan akhirnya saya menang.Berkat angka gaib hasil ritual AKI WARSA saya sudah buka usaha matreal di jakarta dan istri saya juga buka butyk baju dimall mangga dua. Kini kehidupan keluarga saya jauh lebih baik dari sebelumnya,bagi anda yg ingin seperti saya silahkan HUB/SMS AKI WARSA di nomor hpnya di: 0852 4968 9269 atau KLIK DISINI dan ramalan AKI WARSA memang memiliki ramalan GAIB” yang dijamin 100% tembus.
*angka ritual gaib singapura
*angka ritual gaib hongkong
*angka ritual gaib malyaisia
*angka ritual gaib sidney
*angka ritual gaib kuda lari.
Saya ingin menyampaikan kepada
Deleteseluruh TKI yang bekerja di negeri orang ,,
pengen pulang ke indonesia tapi gak ada ongkos
sempat saya putus asa, apa lagi dengan keadaan hamil
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demi allah saya sudah membuktikan angka dari MBAH sekrang giliran anda untuk MEMBUKTIKANNYA!!!
Saya ingin berbagi cerita kepada semua teman-teman bahwa saya yang dulunya mungkin orang yang paling susah,makan pun harus hutang dulu sama tetangga syukur-syukur kalau ada yang mau kasi,semakin aku berusaha semakin jauh juga pekerjaan,dan selama aku ingin berbuat baik kepada orang lain semakin banyak pula yang membenci saya,karna saya cuma dianggap rendah sama orang lain,karna saya tidak punya apa-apa,dan akhirnya saya berencana untuk pergi mencari dukun yang bisa menembus nomor togel,dan disuatu hari saya bertemu sama teman yang pernah dibantu sama MBAH LIMPAH melalui angka togel,dan dia memberikan nomor MBAH LIMPAH,dia bilan kepada saya kalau MBAH LIMPAH bisa membantu orang yang lagi kesusahan,dan tidak berpikir panjang lebar lagi saya langsun menghubungi MBAH LIMPAH...dan dengan senan hati MBAH LIMPAH ingin membantu saya,alhamdulillah saya sudah bisa menang togel 4D bocoran SGP...dan rencana saya bersama keluarga ingin membuka usaha dan para teman-teman diluar sana,yang ingin merubah nasib seperti saya,silahkan hubungi nomor: MBAH LIMPAH {~085~312~407~999~} saya sangat bersyukur kepada ALLAH...karna melalui bantuan MBAH LIMPAH kini kehidupan saya sudah jauh lebih baik dari sebelumnya,ingat kesempatan tidah akan datang untuk yang kedua kalinya..