The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has described the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), as a party of shameless and desperate liars.
The party berated the APC for sticking to its “lies and empty denials despite overwhelming evidences” that the new Director General of the Department of State Services (DSS), Lawal Daura is an APC member.
PDP National Publicity Secretary, Olisa Metuh, in a statement on Saturday said the spate of lies chunked out by the APC and its spokesperson, Lai Mohammed, in the desperation to suppress the truth is not only reprehensible but also symptomatic of lack of character.
“When the matter first came up, the APC spokesman hurriedly went on air on RayPower radio wherein he stated categorically to the nation that he never knew or met “the man”, and that “the man” has never had any contact or dealing whatsoever with the APC as a party before his appointment as DSS Director General.
“When we came up with the newspaper advertorial sponsored by the APC wherein it announced Alhaji Daura as a member of its campaign Intelligence Committee, a very important position vested on him by virtue of his membership of the party, as well as pictures of him with other members of the committee, Lai Mohammed started singing a new tone, insulted PDP leaders as hallucinating out of poverty and asked PDP to produce Daura’s membership card and evidence of registration.
“We ask, is APC demanding that the PDP invade Daura’s house to get his personal card? Or that we should go to Daura to get the APC ward register? How on earth does the APC spokesperson want us to go and ask a man in charge of arresting and detaining people who hold views contrary to those of his party and government to give us his party membership card? How on earth can the PDP request and get the APC membership register in Daura’s ward? Who do Lai Mohammed and the APC think they are fooling? Nigerians?” the PDP queried.
The PDP said in his “lame” effort to defend his party, the APC spokesman either intentionally lied or exhibited crass ignorance by trying to equate the DSS with the National Orientation Agency (NOA), the Police Service Commission (PSC), or the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) where a Democrat, Leon Panetta, was named by President Obama as head.
“Perhaps Mr. Lai Mohammed needs to constantly update and crosscheck his facts. We wish to inform him and the APC that there is a great difference between the CIA and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) after which the Nigerian DSS was fashioned.
“Whereas the US FBI and the Nigerian DSS are vested with the statutory tasks of providing domestic intelligence, security service and criminal investigations among others for the state and can be equated with the British M15 and Russian FSB, all of which have their headships insulated from politics, the CIA on the other hand is vested with collecting of intelligence overseas, the same role as Nigeria’s National Intelligence Agency (NIA).
“Furthermore, the NOA and PSC are agencies that have no powers to investigate, arrest or detain, neither can they be used to harass, hound or intimidate. Also, we wish to remind Lai Mohammed that Mr. Mike Omeri, in writing, declined the appointment into the PDP campaign committee because of his position as Director General of the NOA. We note therefore that in drawing his comparisons, Mr. Mohammed either exhibited high level ignorance or acted ostensibly to deceive Nigerians yet again.
“Severally in the past, we have exposed Lai Mohammed in terms of lies but instead of retracing his steps, he keeps on moving from one ‘lai’ to the other. Only in May this year, Lai Mohammed nearly derailed the transition programme when he issued a false statement alleging that the APC team was being frustrated, just for the head of the APC’s Transition Committee, Alhaji Ahmed Joda to announce that there was nothing of such.
“Nigerians have not forgotten how Lai Mohammed had in June 2014 issued a statement wherein he alleged that a plane carrying Kano state Governor Rabiu Kwankwaso to attend an APC rally in Ekiti was denied landing permission in Akure, only for Kwankwaso’s Director of Press Affairs, Baba Dantiye to announce that his boss was at another event in Kano and had no plans to travel to Ekiti state.
“The APC spokesman should know that being a spokesperson of a political party does not mean he should be dishing out lies. He should shed his unnecessary arrogance and understand that the APC did not win the Presidential election on account of his lies and deceit. In fact, this constant falsehood has become a huge embarrassment and source of worry for responsible and respectable persons in the APC.
“Quite often, he boasts of arranging a course for the opposition. We ask, is he arranging a course in lies? For the umpteenth time, let us inform him and the APC that the PDP does not need their course on the spreading of hatred and strife with lies, propaganda and deceit. Our form of opposition is focused only on constructive criticisms while presenting credible alternatives to the policies and programmes of the present administration.
“Our worry however is that the APC spokesperson has so negatively influenced some hundreds of young people who now engage in abuses as a model for effective communication and this is not healthy for the polity. We urge Nigerians to purge themselves of this poisonous mode of communication so that we can have credible and decorous political discourse in this country,” the party said.
The PDP insisted that in appointing its member to head the DSS, a very sensitive security agency vested with numerous powers, the APC has annexed the Service as a tool to suppress the opposition and other Nigerians who hold views contrary to that of government, thus preparing the ground for dictatorship and a reign of terror on the people.
“No wonder we are now witnessing invasions of houses of PDP members as well as harassments, arrests and detentions of electoral officers and tribunal members in Akwa-Ibom, Rivers and other PDP state where the APC is desperate to upturn our electoral victory at all cost and by any means,” it stated.
The party however restated that no amount of harassment and threats or conniving with people, whether disgruntled PDP members or staff, can intimidate, blackmail or distract the PDP from discharging its duty to Nigerians, of providing constructive and credible opposition to the policies and programmes of the present administration.


Chris Kehinde Nwandu is the Editor In Chief of CKNNEWS || He is a Law graduate and an Alumnus of Lagos State University, Lead City University Ibadan and Nigerian Institute Of Journalism || With over 2 decades practice in Journalism, PR and Advertising, he is a member of several Professional bodies within and outside Nigeria || Member: Institute Of Chartered Arbitrators ( UK ) || Member : Institute of Chartered Mediators And Conciliation || Member : Nigerian Institute Of Public Relations || Member : Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria || Fellow : Institute of Personality Development And Customer Relationship Management || Member and Chairman Board Of Trustees: Guild Of Professional Bloggers of Nigeria


  1. Assalamualaikum wr.wb
    Saya Ibu Nurhayati Sekeluarga Mengucapkan Banyak Terimah Kasih Kepada AKI BALAPATI Atas Bantuannya..
    Dulunya Saya Dengan Suami Saya Mati-Matian Mencari Uang Demi Membayar Hutang Dan Menyekolahkan Anak2 Kami..
    Suatu Hari Teman Saya Memberi Tahu Kepada Saya Dan Suami Saya Tentang Kaeahlian AKI BALAPATI Untuk Jalan Togel,Teman Saya Sudah 3X Di Bantu Oleh AKI BALAPATI Dan Alhamdulillah Angkanya Selalu Tembus..
    Akhirnya Teman Saya Memberi Nomor AKI BALAPATI Untuk Membantu Saya.. Tanpa Menunggu Lama Saya Langsung Menghubungi AKI BALAPATI Untuk Membantu Saya Untuk memberikan Angka Togel Yaitu 4D..
    Syukur Alhamdulillah Angka Yang AKI Berikan Benar-Benar Terbukti Tembus..
    Kini Impian Saya Selama Ini Telah Tercapai Dan Semua Hutang-Hutang Saya Kini Bisa Saya Lunaskan Serta Menyekolahkan Anak2 Kami. Ini Berkat Bantuan AKI BALAPATI..
    Bagi Saudara Yang Mengalami Kesulitan Masalah Hutang Dan Ekonomi Serta Membutuhkan Bantuan Tentang Angka Togel. Anda Bisa Meminta Bantuan Kepada AKI BALAPATI Dengan Menghubunginya Di Nomor;085-392-332-888. Terima Kasih AKI BALAPTI Atas semua yang anda berikan kepada saya…Angka Ritual Ghoib AKI Benar-benar Tembus 100%…mohon ma’af AKI BALAPTI ini pengalaman saya …waktu itu pernah saya meminta bantuan kepada seseorang yg mengaku pintar meramu angka toto…dan saya harus bayar untuk mendapatkan angkanya…sampai2 saya hutang sana ,hutang sini…tapi apa yg terjadi…angka yg saya terima tadi gak ada yang keluar…mampus dalam hati kecil saya..gmn saya harus bayar utang yang terlanjur menumpuk…hingga akhirnya saya di kasih info teman untuk mencoba menjadi Member di AKI BALAPATI Alhasil Angka Ritual Ghoib yang AKI kirim ternyata Jitu 100%..dan akhirnya terbayar sudah hutang2 saya….ini hanya sekedar pengalaman saya…untuk yang mau mencoba angka ghoib dari AKI BALAPATI tidak usah ragu-ragu…karena saya udah merasakannya…terima kasih AKI BALAPATI…Insya Allah Saya Bersama Keluarga Akan Berkunjung Kerumah Aki Untuk Melihat Aki meditasi Ritual/Meramal Angka Jitu
    Inilah Kisah Nyata Benar-Benar Terbukti Di Keluarga Kami.
    Ramalan AKI Memang Memiliki Ramalan GHOIB Yang Dijamin 100% Tembus..

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