Apostle Okikijesu Prophesy:Army May Take Over If APC Tries To Impose Itself On Buhari,..Tinubu Should Pray Against Death ETC

Apostle Paul Okikijesu:

• The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Apostle Paul Okikijesu because the LORD has anointed me to …….. (Isaiah 61:1-7).
• I have appointed Apostle Paul Okikijesu as a watchman for Nigeria and the world. Therefore, you shall hear a word from My mouth and warn them for Me. (Ezekiel 33: 7).
• Anyone who has ear should listen to what the spirit is telling the congregation (Revelation 2: 29).


Thus says the Lord, according to the previously sent messages:

• The presidential aspirant that will win the election is anyone who fears Me and loves the poor/residents.
• Secondly, it is anyone that neither bows down for idols nor goes to the cultists/initiated for blessings is the one that is worthy to win the election.

The spiritual power in this country is more than that of Senegal, Mali, Guinea and India says the Lord; why is it that the useless people, those that ignore Me, but turn themselves to gods, are the people Jonathan follows and listens to their voices?

Any administration at any level may it be local/state/federal that refuses to change will partake in My judgment that will soon pass through the country, but I will not be specific of what I am going to do to them.

I am coming quickly and my reward is with Me to reward the governors, senators, representatives, commissioners etc. according to their deeds says, the Lord of hosts.

If they follow My directives, every form of governance will be comfortable and there will be stability, says the Lord of hosts.

Judicial, Legislative, Executive Arms of Government and Law Enforcement Officers:

The people in powerful positions must give the judicial, legislative and executive arms of government together with the law enforcement officers the necessary authority/power to carry out their duties without interference or interruption.

I will restore authority back to the judicial, legislative, and executive arms of the government including the law enforcement officials, says the Lord because the law has broken down.

The law is distorted and anarchy reigns whereby the poor that are suppose to be comforted are being afflicted.

Judgement of God coming to Nigeria:

My judgment is coming on the country to punish everyone that has afflicted the nation, most especially the children of hell fire that had troubled the government and put My people in bondage.

My judgment is at hand just like how I attacked the king, the noble and important personalities in the Biblical Egypt. So also will history repeat itself concerning groups that afflicted My people and shed innocent blood. All of them shall be punished accordingly.

Restoration of Nigeria:

Glory and joy is coming to the nation, but warn the political juggernauts and those in powerful positions including the ex military officers to calm down. Since power can never install anyone in a position but it is only the grace of I, the Lord that can achieve this purpose.

President Obama’s visit to Nigeria:

Obama will visit Nigeria says the Lord of hosts; he shall visit Nigeria very soon because the hour of glory of Nigeria (the land flowing with milk and honey) is at hand.

President-Elect Muhammadu Buhari:

What gave Buhari electoral victory was that he obeyed My voice/messages. Buhari did not walk waywardly like Jonathan. Besides, it is people that are walking perversely on behalf of Buhari. He himself believed that it is only God that can appoint anyone to a post/position.

Warning to Buhari:

Buhari be warned, 10 days before the swearing in ceremony day:

1. Be prayerful
2. And beware of the people who claimed to have given you the electoral victory.

It is I Almighty God that made you to be victorious and not the power/might of humans. What happened during the election is divine intervention. Therefore, be careful of people professing to have made it happen.

May 19th, 2015 - battle between the hosts of God and Satan:

This day will be cloudy as if it is going to rain and there will be thunders. If you belief that supreme power belong to God, whatever evil work that is done spiritually in/from any satanic realm will not have any impact on your life because I will destroy them.

Buhari’s Health:

Regarding your health, I will take glory, but be careful so that those people you trust will not be against your life in order to terminate it. This incident is planned for May 19th, 2015 – May 29th, 2015.

In addition, during this period, beware of your surrounding, what you eat and what you drink.

Acknowledge God in all your ways:

Always consult God before taking any decision and belief that all power belongs to God. Proverbs 3: 1-8.

Make time for God after the inauguration:

Two to three weeks after the change of government, pray to Me fervently and ask for wisdom, knowledge and understanding that is sufficient to govern to nation Nigeria, says the Lord. I King 3: 5-14

Appoint God’s spirit-filled religious advisers:

Six months after the swearing in ceremony, his administration will be effective, but do not relent; instead he must appoint people that are wise and filled with the spirit of God as religious advisers that will guide him in his decisions.

It is then that he can be successful and finish his term as mandated. If he refuses to carry out this directive, he will not use more than a year on that political post.

If he listens to My voice and implements My instructions, I will make anyone who raises sword against him to fall by sword and he will finish his tenure successfully.

Furthermore, do not appoint corrupt people into positions in your administration, but appoint people that are God fearing, who are wise and have experience in their fields.

Otherwise your government will break down within a year and they will come after you to terminate your life.

Nigeria Christian Pilgrim Commission and Muslim Pilgrim Welfare Boards/National Hajj Commission of Nigeria:

Buhari must not allow these organizations to be disbanded because their activities will benefit his administration in various ways. He must not listen to the advice of the children of hell that will be bent on their dissolution.

Though, he can investigate, assess their importance and the benefits they bring to the nation. He must not allow anyone to trouble these organizations, but observe them for some time to know their contribution to the growth/development of the nation.

Jonathan and Buhari:

Even though Jonathan is the favourite for the post, but because he has tasted abomination that is why Buhari won the election. Jonathan and Buhari’s case is similar to the Biblical story of King Saul and David, whereby Saul tasted abomination and the glory was transferred to David.

If APC did not give Buhari any trouble and support him in prayer, even if Jonathan repents and reconcile with Me, My protective covering shall be upon Jonathan, but Buhari will be inaugurated as the President.

In addition, Jonathan will be appointed to an African post that supersedes that of any Nigerian ex President.

President Goodluck Jonathan:

Though the glory was formerly allocated to Jonathan, but because he tasted abomination spiritually, that was the reason I, Almighty God deserted him.

He himself was aware of the abomination that he committed by going to the places that I Almighty God abhor to look for assistance and blessings which led to his defeat at the poll.
It is these useless people that deceived him based on the fear in him mind. Also, he was terrified of the electoral situation instead of keeping his faith and believes in God totally.

Divine messages to Jonathan:

• I have sent messages to Jonathan in his dreams.
• I sent the ministers of God (Pastors) to him in Nigeria.
• When he was in Israel in 2014 I sent messages to him through My priests.

The message was that he should beware of the people around him so that they will not lead him astray. However, those people around him advised him not to listen to the voice of the Lord stating that those who delivered the messages are prophets of Baal.

God answered Jonathan’s prayers previously:

I pity Jonathan so much because he was led astray by the useless people. I have heard his prayers before, but why is it that at the zero hour Jonathan turned his back on Me the Lord? Why is it that his character/behaviour did not glorify Me Almighty God again, instead, he gave glory to Satan and the generation of hell fire?

Pastor Adeboye Instructions to President Jonathan:

Jonathan went to the Redeemed Camp so that people may honour him, but My Ambassador in charge uttered some sentences to him.

Jonathan, why didn’t you follow the instructions of My Ambassador in charge of RedeemedChurch?

I pitied Jonathan because his downfall was caused by ill-advice of people around him. I have fore-warned him through My messages that these people will disappoint him when he least expect.

These groups of people are the ones delivering their own messages when I Almighty God did not send any message through them. They are gave him prophesy that I did not send them and false/deceitful vision.

All the people that misled Jonathan will be punished this year: those that gave false oracle messages and the group that are using Satanic rod/stick of authority. If I did not judge them, then I am not Almighty God again.

I sent messages to Jonathan to beware that people will collect money from him, but they won’t be able to deliver their promises by giving him electoral victory or presidential seat.

If Jonathan refuses to repent of his deeds and give his heart to Me, when My judgment passes through the nation he will not be spared.

Jonathan must have realized by now that it is the corrupt people around him (including pastors) that are the prophets of Baal and doom. They deceived him, which led to his present predicament.

Some of these corrupt people and false pastors are still giving him false hope that he (Jonathan) will be sworn in to continue another term in office.

If he fails to repent and change, I the Lord will never consider all his good deeds and when My judgement passes through the nation, he will not be spared, but partake out of it.

He has spent lots of money to no avail. What he and his household need to do presently:
• Is to repent and give their hearts to Me
• Pray for My spiritual hand to come into their lives.
• Then, he will be appointed to an African post that supersedes that of any Nigerian ex President.

Every corrupt people/reign that led to his electoral defeat and the hopeless situation that he’s experiencing at this moment will be punished within the next four years.

The money they put their trust in will drown unexpectedly; it is the poor that has been afflicted that will eat their wealth, says the Lord of hosts.

Nigeria Constitution under President Jonathan’s Administration:

You must neither replace the constitution of the country nor twist/distort her laws. Rather go back to the law that is meaningful which can uphold a nation and stop trampling the laws of the country.

I am waiting for the repentance of the man of called Jonathan, says the Lord of hosts. Though, I used to know him, but where are the people that led him astray, the people who talk when I Almighty God did not say anything?

Even if I am going to give the government to him, it will depend on his actions and reactions. Furthermore, if I will not give the government to him it will be due to his actions and reactions.

If he does not change and reconcile with Me, any steps taking on his behalf to terminate Buhari’s life 10 days before the swearing in ceremony shall not succeed. Since I, Almighty God will never allow any chaos that can cut the life of Buhari short.

I am expecting him to seek My face says the Lord and he must not allow anyone to deceive his administration, saying, “do not worry because we will fight for you”.

If Jonathan fails to relinquish power or continue to rule by force, he will not live pass 6 months says the Lord of hosts. If he is alive beyond six months, then I am not God anymore.

If he repents and make amendments, even if he remains on the presidential seat there will be dispute that will prompt the military to seize power.

Traditional Rulers/Kings:

Though I have sent My messages to them, they sold their glory for money because they are corrupt.

Nigerian Armed Forces:

They are making preparation for misunderstanding to happen so that they will seize the power/government for a brief period.

They must realize that it is when the country is relieved that they too shall witness succor in their constituency/unit. They must resist the coercion of the retired military personnel to take over the government. Otherwise, they will be propelled against the spiritual covenant of the nation.

The military personnel should rest and take all their weapons back to their depots. They must not allow the children of perdition to influence them to takeover the government.

Ahmed Bola Tinubu:

Tinubu should take good care of his health. People like his physicians, the judicial people and those that are following him that he trusted and relied upon cannot save his life.
In order for his situation not to be like someone who worked, but did not have the opportunity to enjoy his labour, he must put his trust in God.

Tinubu’s soul must cry to Me Almighty God for care and healing so that I can reign in his life and put an end to the deceit of people in his journey.

Lot’s of people have deceived him in severally in the past. Therefore, he should cease following the advice of the dishonest people that surround him and seek Me Almighty God diligently.
All Progressives Congress (APC):

They must sleep in ways that produces repentance; they must not pressurize Buhari or seek his death during the change of government.

Write down this moment, the lives of those who are seeking Buhari’s death will be used as sacrifice, says the Lord of hosts.

APC members:

1. Must stop pressurizing Buhari, but cooperate with him.
2. APC must not trouble/afflict other parties and they must be content with the grace that God had bestowed upon them, says the Lord of hosts.

They should give their support to whomever I put on the president seat, says the Lord. Anyone that does not collaborate with the president or seek his downfall, will be prone to downfall, says the Lord, and I will destroy his/her generation.

If APC fail to follow My directives, the military shall seize power. Most especially if they seek the downfall of Buhari. If they don’t give him free hand to operate and assist him with prayers, then Jonathan will remain on the seat.

If they think it is their power that gave the electoral victory to Buhari, then Buhari will disappoint them, but if they accept that it is My power that made Buhari to win the election, Buhari will overlook their past mistakes, says the Lord.

Peoples Democratic Party (PDP):

They must accept their fate, knowing that the situation pleases God and not because of human’s might/power. In addition, they must think deeply, most especially about how to govern effectively the states they won during the elections.

All Political Parties:

I will disgrace any party that did not obey My voice and follow My directives, says the Lord of Hosts. Party members must stop wasting people’s lives and stop looking for contrary powers that can never assist them. They must submit and surrender to Me, Almighty God that owns everything in the Universe so that My WILL be done.

Women in Politics:

Women will still occupy powerful positions in the nation. Among contested election, a female will become governor in the upcoming administration.

United States of America:

President Obama:

Did you deliver My messages to Obama regarding taking care of the ambassadors, the military personnel, health workers etc.? If he does this, history will be on his side, Obama’s name together with his achievements shall be immortalized.

Obama will visit Nigeria, says the Lord of hosts. He shall visit Nigeria very soon because the glorious hour of the nation (the land flowing with milk and honey) is at hand.
For more prophecies, please go to CAMM website and click by date received.


God bless!

Prophet Frank Akanbi
On behalf of
Prophet Apostle Paul Okikijesu.

Contact phone numbers:

Phones in Nigeria: +234-8023290525, +234-8037008769, +234-8053548304

Phone in USA: 401-421-4150


Chris Kehinde Nwandu is the Editor In Chief of CKNNEWS || He is a Law graduate and an Alumnus of Lagos State University, Lead City University Ibadan and Nigerian Institute Of Journalism || With over 2 decades practice in Journalism, PR and Advertising, he is a member of several Professional bodies within and outside Nigeria || Member: Institute Of Chartered Arbitrators ( UK ) || Member : Institute of Chartered Mediators And Conciliation || Member : Nigerian Institute Of Public Relations || Member : Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria || Fellow : Institute of Personality Development And Customer Relationship Management || Member and Chairman Board Of Trustees: Guild Of Professional Bloggers of Nigeria

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