Seven Policemen Watch As Dog Eat Up 4 Years Old Boy In Lagos

Four-year-old Omonigho Abraham is currently battling for his life at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, Ikeja, after his scalp was eaten by two dogs.
The dogs chewed the skin and exposed the victim’s skull during the attack which happened on Thursday on Adegboyega Street, Akesan Estate, in the Igando area of Lagos.
 It was learnt last week that the police arrested the two dogs for attacking Omonigho.
However, it was learnt from eyewitnesses that the dogs dragged him through the compound for more than one hour while policemen and sympathisers watched helplessly at the entrance of the house for fear of being attacked by the savage dogs.
The immediate elder brother of the victim, seven-year-old Osemudiamen, said that the dogs had chased him, Omonigho and their elder brother, Bobby, while they were taking turns to ride a bicycle.
He said, “We were riding a bicycle in the compound when the big dogs ─ Jack and Gadaffi ─ started barking at us. Later, they moved towards us.
“My elder brother and I quickly ran upstairs and locked the door while Omo (Omonigho), who could not run fast, was left behind.
“When he got to the door, he knocked that we should open for him and as we did, one of the dogs forced his way into the house with him.
“We all ran out. Bobby jumped down from upstairs and I also jumped. But Omo could not jump, so the dog attacked him.
“The other dog also joined in the attack and there was nothing we could do.”
It was learnt that the screams of the children who managed to get outside attracted passersby and residents who besieged the house.
No fewer than seven policemen from the Igando Police Station reportedly stood at the gate, confused.
An eyewitness, who lived on the street, but pleaded anonymity, said, “The police came, but said there was nothing they could do. The dogs were growling as they ate the child alive and that sent fear into everyone. Nobody could move inside to challenge the dogs. Everybody was just shouting in confusion and wielding sticks.”
The victim’s mother, Mrs. Helen Abraham, who was away when the incident happened, said her son had been injured by the time she arrived at the scene.
She said, “When I got there, I met a crowd. They asked me not to go inside, but I refused to listen to them. One of the dogs emerged from the corridor with blood stains in its mouth. I ran inside. The other dog, on sighting me, pounced, but I fought back. It later ran away. I called on people who joined me to take him to a hospital.
“This has been a nightmare I want to wake up from.”
The victim’s father, Mr. Odia Abraham, said the medical personnel at the Igando General Hospital asked them to transfer him to LASUTH because of the severity of the attack.
“The doctor at Igando said his condition was critical and we should take him to LASUTH. When the incident happened, I was away at work.
“But when I got home, I saw parts of my son’s scalp on the floor. The dogs dragged him through the compound for about one and half hours and nobody moved near them. His face was also affected, but thankfully it did not get to his eyes.
“His two brothers, who survived, also got injured. The seven-year-old who spoke with you has a fracture, which we are still treating. The other, who is 13 years, has a minor injury.
“We marked Omo’s fourth year birthday in June. He is a very intelligent boy and he always tells me he wants to be a soldier because he loves to protect people. I am hoping this thing will not affect his brain,” he said.
The police were said to have arrested the owner of the dogs, one Stanley Wesley.
A resident said the people living in the house had warned Wesley about his dogs but he refused to listen.
She said, “We became alarmed when he brought a third dog recently which was more ferocious and bigger than the others. Whenever he took that dog on a walk, even adults would be scared.
“People told him to find a place to keep his giant dogs, but he refused to listen. It was the new dog that first followed those children into the house.”
When our correspondent visited the Burns and Plastic Ward of LASUTH, he was told the victim was asleep.
The matron in charge of the ward told our correspondent she would not comment unless the Public Relations Officer of the hospital gave an approval.
However, the PRO was said to be unavailable as he was on leave.
A medical officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the victim’s condition was “serious and critical.”
The Police spokesperson, Lagos State Command, DSP Kenneth Nwosu, said the police were the ones that actually rescued the victim.
Nwosu said, “I can confirm to you that on September 25, at about 5.40pm, dogs belonging to one Stanley Wesley attacked and harmed a four-year-old boy and the matter was reported at the Igando Police Division.
“The report from the Divisional Police Officer indicated that the dogs were being kept to undergo some tests, while their owner had been arrested. The report that the police did not do anything is not true.”


Chris Kehinde Nwandu is the Editor In Chief of CKNNEWS || He is a Law graduate and an Alumnus of Lagos State University, Lead City University Ibadan and Nigerian Institute Of Journalism || With over 2 decades practice in Journalism, PR and Advertising, he is a member of several Professional bodies within and outside Nigeria || Member: Institute Of Chartered Arbitrators ( UK ) || Member : Institute of Chartered Mediators And Conciliation || Member : Nigerian Institute Of Public Relations || Member : Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria || Fellow : Institute of Personality Development And Customer Relationship Management || Member and Chairman Board Of Trustees: Guild Of Professional Bloggers of Nigeria


  1. If the police rescued the boy eventually how come the is in a critical condition. How come there are wild dogs living where children are and they were not properly caged especially in the day time. So sad, I pray the small boy survives this ordeal fully in Jesus name!

  2. Nigeria Police Force am ashame of you people! What is there to deny or argue about who rescued a 4 yrs old child from the jaw of 2 ferocious dogs. You people stood there watching while the dogs take turn on the little child's flesh without making any attempt to scare away the beast with stike and shot the bastards to death and arrest the owner. You stood there watching firm until the mother of the child returned home to chase away the dogs. NIGERIA POLICE SHAME UNTO U. U can kill a bus driver who refuses to give #20 but can not kill dogs eating up a child.

  3. As long as we have people like Mbu in the Nigerian police force being used by patience Jonathan for her political gain, then the Nigerian police are not better of than Bariga area boys unless the uniform . Everything has collapsed under Jonathan . Where are we heading to?

    1. Haba!! Victor niaja policemen are sometin else even b4 GEJ ws born. Abeg hw does dis matter concern him nw.....

  4. I blame d owner of dos demonic dogs of carelessness I no der re some wild dogs dat are nt baby friendly atall he shloud hv cage dem properly, 4d police n ordas ppls dat re watchn witout helpn d poor innocent child u guz are devils as well. If only 5guz carry a long stick dos dogs will runing away. Kudos to d moda of d boy ur 9moth of sleepless 9th will neva b in vain.

  5. 4rm d dogs names sef u'l no dat d re 4rm pit of hell, Niaja police sef u can't stop arm robbers u can't stop dogs 4rm killing an innocent boy too???? Chai!!

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