Sudanese Woman Sentenced To Death For Marrying A Christian

A Sudanese court has sentenced a woman to hang for apostasy after she left Islam and married a Christian man.

"We gave you three days to recant but you insist on not returning to Islam. I sentence you to be hanged to death," the judge told the woman, AFP reports.

Western embassies and rights groups had urged Sudan to respect the right of the pregnant woman to choose her religion.

Local medi...a report the sentence would not be carried out for two years after she has given birth.

Sudan has a majority Muslim population, which is governed by Islamic law.

The judge also sentenced her to 100 lashes after convicting her of adultery - because her marriage to a Christian man was not valid under Islamic law


Chris Kehinde Nwandu is the Editor In Chief of CKNNEWS || He is a Law graduate and an Alumnus of Lagos State University, Lead City University Ibadan and Nigerian Institute Of Journalism || With over 2 decades practice in Journalism, PR and Advertising, he is a member of several Professional bodies within and outside Nigeria || Member: Institute Of Chartered Arbitrators ( UK ) || Member : Institute of Chartered Mediators And Conciliation || Member : Nigerian Institute Of Public Relations || Member : Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria || Fellow : Institute of Personality Development And Customer Relationship Management || Member and Chairman Board Of Trustees: Guild Of Professional Bloggers of Nigeria


  1. This Islam is just satan personified . Sentence a pregnant woman? This people's hearts are seared!!! She has a right of religion ! Anyway I don't blame them becos they are like their father the devil that's why they don't have love.. only to steal, kill and destrol

  2. But you dont force grown-up adults to follow a particular way of life because it will backfire. Apparently, the woman knows what is good for her and should be allowed to indulge in it. I wonder why some people are just so inconsiderate.

  3. Please do not confuse the philosophy of Islam with the barbarism and lunacy of a few individuals in positions of influence and power. There simply is no compulsion in Islam.

  4. Pls Human Right dpartment of d International Community shld pls intervene b4 its late.its human life we r talkingabt here.

  5. Our GOD is a merciful GOD, humble and kind, sometimes I wonderd if it isthesame GOD we are all worshiping bcos my GOD is not a angry GOD, He Is LOVE, I wondered the kind of love islam is showing, crisis here and there, killing, terorrism, have u forgotten that he who kill by the sword will surelly die by the sword,sometimes I wondered if they are really praticing islamic religion very well because Almighty GOD created us with his own image to serve him and to work for him for peace and to love one another, this is the time I think islam need to unit with christian so we can serve one GOD and leave hatred among them selves but unit with peace and unity, OUR GOD IS LOVE AND PEACE LET US FOLLOW HIS FOOTSTEP.

  6. God plz hv mercy on dis poor lady! Dis pple are evil Islam very wicked. Tnk God am a Christian n am proud to be.

  7. Boko haram in sudan God help d world

  8. Man is desperately wicked, said d bible, so man is in need of devine guidance, the jews lived under mosaic law, jesus lived & practice mosaic law, he never broke or criticised it, jesus never preached a new religion, in fact that's why u have d old testament with ur gospel together, no single country practice d biblical laws, if u know law are important to guide our lives why not adopt d biblical one which is directly from God & see how, instead of commenting out of ignorance

  9. Chistianity as a religion has been destryed, I saw it coming anyway

  10. That is why there should be a seperation of state and religion whether Islam or Christianity. Sharia law should not have been allowed in any part of the country just as canon law is not practised in the south even though we are predominantly christians. That is why this kind of thing can happen in sudan. By the way is it not this same Sudan our former CBN Govn studied Islamic studies and the profile of one of the Nyanya bombers arrested also indicated he studied Arabic language in Sudan. Now this. All in Sudan abeg ooo.

  11. Pls focus on what matters, u talked like a mind ready to learn that's why I take my time to widen ur knowledge, seperation of state & religion is not biblical, if according to bible, satan is d god of this world, then pls go back to ur bible for ur legal codes cos if u refuse God's law u inadventedly adopt satan law, is clear, see! Europe & american laws are increasingly eroding God's laws in d book they claim is from Him, tell me which biblical law stand today In all d Xtian nations

    1. It will be nice to know the things that matter that I have not focused on especially in the context of this article. When the bible tells you thou shalt not kill and the criminal code in section 317 gives a punishment for murder I wonder if it is not the same principle. Now let's be truthful to ourselves how much of the Mosaic laws have you personally been able to obey. I bet you are able to mix match fabrics eg cotton trouser or skirt and silk top without even realing you have broken a law. Now I have been refered back to the bible yet Christ himself was confronted with the law when the woman caught in adultry was brought before him by the relegios biggots at that time to trap him.Our Lord could have insisted on the Mosaic law to take its full course or could have refered them to the Roman law. I need not go further on that. I am not a humanist and have no intention of propounding humanist theories but since you have already stated that I sound like someone willing to learn and you want to educate me I am all ears. Please what is your suggestion do we have perharps the pope to sit in judgement on a murder case under canon law or like in this cae have an ulama in a city like Kaduna sit and try a case of stealing. In your reply put it in mind that our Lord Jesus obeyed state law which was not his religios law when he paid tax to a Roman govt. As for the comment about jimmy Swaggart saying God should apologise to Sodom n Gommorah... All I can say is let those who think they stand take heed lest they fall. Where is Jimmy Swargat?

  12. Reverend Jimmy Swargat said 'if God did not destroy America then He shall have to apologise to Sodom & Gomorrah' cos he reasoned that evil of S & G had longed been surpassed by America & Xtian nations of d world

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