Shekau Is Not Boko Haram Leader's Real Name...Military

The Director of Defence Information, Brigadier General Chris Olukolade has said that Abubakar Shekau, known as the leader of the terrorist Boko-Haram sect is more of a title than a name.
Olukolade spoke on “Shekau” in Abuja, during the maiden press briefing of the newly constituted National Information Centre, comprising the information officers of the State Security Service, Mrs. Marylyn Ogar; the Nigerian Police Force, Mr. Frank Mba; the Directorate of Defence Information Olukolade and the Director General of the National orientation Agency (NOA) Mr. Mike Omeri.
He also said that many of the information provided to the military about the abduction of the schoolgirls were misleading, adding that many of the information were concocted to unsettle the populace.
"Talking about the personality that has been presenting himself as head of that group, besides knowing the fact that the term Shekau is more of a title than a name, there are many issues around it that makes it still fake. I don't want to get into the details of that," Olukolade said.
He added that several pictures being circulated on the Internet were recycled for mischievous purposes, as he said some of the pictures were activities of what took place in Central African Republic (CAR) and it is being presented as a recent event in Nigeria.
According to him, the terrorists want to unsettle the populace with concocted images, and do anything that will promote fear. The phase we are in with them now, is to engage in activities that will make the populace so scared to the extent of almost losing confidence in government and its institutions and also targeted at a situation whereby the institutions of state will be so stressed and warn out.
“We want to assure Nigerians that the institutions of state are still functioning and still capable of assuring them their security, regardless of the activities of the terrorists," he said.
Giving updates on the search for the kidnapped Chibok girls, Olukolade said efforts have been more concerted in conjunction with Multi-national Joint Task Force.
"A the moment, we have two divisions of the Nigerian army infantry devoted on looking for these girls, and they are all operating in the nethermost part of the federation contiguous to various borders. There are also other military and security agencies located close to border location in the north and south. All our border locations have been activated to operate at their optimum in looking out for these children.”
He added that The Nigerian Air Force has flown over 350 sorties with a view to ensuring that not just surveillance but air patrol is sustained on a near 24-hour basis over locations that information has indicated as likely position of these girls.
"The facilities of the Nigerian Army signals as well as all the communication facilities of the Nigerian Police and all the services have been devoted in coordinating this search and ensuring that information gets back to the control post where all the operations are being monitored and guided,” Olukolade said.


Chris Kehinde Nwandu is the Editor In Chief of CKNNEWS || He is a Law graduate and an Alumnus of Lagos State University, Lead City University Ibadan and Nigerian Institute Of Journalism || With over 2 decades practice in Journalism, PR and Advertising, he is a member of several Professional bodies within and outside Nigeria || Member: Institute Of Chartered Arbitrators ( UK ) || Member : Institute of Chartered Mediators And Conciliation || Member : Nigerian Institute Of Public Relations || Member : Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria || Fellow : Institute of Personality Development And Customer Relationship Management || Member and Chairman Board Of Trustees: Guild Of Professional Bloggers of Nigeria


  1. Omo Alhaja10/5/14 7:05 am

    Our gr8 nigerian army, we knw u re tryin ur possible best. Yes, shekau is nt a real name bt a nick-name, like any oda criminal will have. Bt knowin its nt a real name won't change d current state of tinz. That's y I adviced every1 few days ago to watch an indian film titled "mission istanbul" 4 us to knw little abt d BH. My advice nw to d army/FG in tacklin BH is give time limit to evacuate evry1 in d 3 states of emergency, by providin a specific location 4 screenin of ppl in evry state nd camping dem in a camp in any oda state, after d time is up, commence operation, apply tear gas (cos police nd army re prone to it) den shoot any livin tin @ sight. I knw its nt d best solution, bt it can wrk out. God bless 9ja we home

  2. Olukolade all thia grammar is not working for us.if we can send troops to other African countries and we are rated as capable then what have you been doing.just switch off that airconditioner in your office and go to the field.all you guys do is parade with soren on the road and harass all of us. Fools.

  3. What u ar u even sayin mr man

  4. He is doing his job, sitting in AC office & making public false info that was handed to him, is so bad that sometimes he get them from BH newstand, Chris real worry? How to get his own share of d $

  5. Yes shekau not real name, BH not real name, sambisa not real forest, since they are not registered with CAC, just ensure nothing happen to these poor girls & tell that woman to shup up

  6. It is too late sir for your valuable information the Marines will enter the forresst for you.

  7. The only job we want the army to do is to fortify their prisons. Any boko haaram handed over to you shall not excaape.
    I think you can do that and secondly remove your sand bags from the road as the bh are now in the forresst.

  8. Also, kidnapping of d girls is not real kidnapping and Nyanya bombing is not real boombing right? Chris please deliver.

  9. Yes we really need you to fortify your prisons cause it will be a very big shame indeed if these heartless killers should be exchanged or freed.

  10. Mr head of army stop talking rubbish on the pages of newspapers! What has fake name got to do with this,all we are saying is that these girls should be located and brought back to their families in one piece not making analyses on the pages of newspapers.All you are just doing is playing on the intelligence of nigerian because they like sensational news all the time.
    We the mases do not buy your views get serious Mr army man, tacticians don't analise on the pages of papers!

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