Poser:Should FG Accept Boko Haram Demands Over Abducted Girls?

A whole lot have happened in the past few days over the 200 abducted school girls in Borno State. Boko Haram in its latest released video have made its demands known.. It asked the Federal Government to release all its detained members across the country before the girls could be released to their parents.. Should the Federal government heed this demand.. Yes or No?


Chris Kehinde Nwandu is the Editor In Chief of CKNNEWS || He is a Law graduate and an Alumnus of Lagos State University, Lead City University Ibadan and Nigerian Institute Of Journalism || With over 2 decades practice in Journalism, PR and Advertising, he is a member of several Professional bodies within and outside Nigeria || Member: Institute Of Chartered Arbitrators ( UK ) || Member : Institute of Chartered Mediators And Conciliation || Member : Nigerian Institute Of Public Relations || Member : Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria || Fellow : Institute of Personality Development And Customer Relationship Management || Member and Chairman Board Of Trustees: Guild Of Professional Bloggers of Nigeria


  1. No! Let the government not start what it can't finish. No, once again.

  2. This case is very dicey. I don't ever support negotiating with this bloodsuckers but our children's lives are at stake here and this bastards won't hesitate to harm them if force is used. It's a tough situation sha, but FG should seek God's wisdom before taking any action so what they won't regret later.

  3. Yes ! The government should accept the offer but be smart to trail the released members of Bh, so as to rearest them. It has always worked in cases of freed kidnaped victims.

    1. Then u hav nt kept the agreement nah

  4. No way. The FG should not.

  5. Yes FG should

  6. Yes. This is Borno Governors secret arrangement so that the captured Boko Haram members can be freed otherswise he shouldn't have refused the WAEC Director call for the Chibok students relocation.

  7. Very very conplecated issue, if fg try it dey'll end up to regret, mind u dt otha criminal element ar wchn to see wht wil hapn, wen u free dis element who hv soled thear soul to d devil to mingle amongs us dats anotha catastrohpy dt'll hapen to dis country n at d end its govt dt will be blamed for it

  8. Lawal, Kehinde14/5/14 12:22 pm

    No condition will be too much for d Life of dis innocents Girls. They must be saved

  9. There is no way the FG wld agree 2 swap d girls wit those blood suckn demons members called boko haram. FG shld find a way 2 save d girls pls..Though, its a bit complicated let's use all necessary avenue ,swapping shld be d last thing 2 do.... God bless Nigeria

  10. No is d answer, fg should never negotiate with those extrimists, surely, they can't harm d girls. But let's keep praying

  11. No. This is the plan 2 free the boko haram detainees by the Borno state governor. The FG should ignore them

  12. Nnoo fg shld nt try dt cos all of ar plan deals

  13. CAPITAL NO ! FG should nt even dere release dis evil men they r loosing the fight

  14. No sacrifice is too high a price to pay in order to save the girls

  15. Capital No, once they start it will continue to be like dat. N oda pple will pick interest in doing dat knwing fully well dat dey will do same.

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