From The Archives...How Sani Abacha Died...Al Mustapha

"When I got to the bedside of the Head of State, he was already gasping. Ordinarily, I could not just touch him. It was not allowed in our job. But under the situation on ground, I knelt close to him and shouted, “General Sani Abacha, Sir, please grant me permission to touch and carry you.”

Contrary to insinuations, speculations and sad rumours initiated by some sections of the society, I maintain that the sudden collapse of the health system of the late Head of State started previous day (Sunday, 7th June, 1998) right from the Abuja International Airport immediately after one of the white security operatives or personnel who accompanied President Yasser Arafat of Palestine shook hands with him (General Abacha) I had noticed the change in the countenance of the late Commander-in-Chief and informed the Aide-de-Camp, Lt. Col. Abdallah, accordingly. He, however, advised that we keep a close watch on the Head of State.

Later in the evening of 8th June, 1998, around 6p.m; his doctor came around, administered an injection to stabilize him. He was advised to have a short rest. Happily, enough, by 9p.m; the Head of State was bouncing and receiving visitors until much later when General Jeremiah Timbut Useni, the then Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, came calling. He was fond of the Head of State. They were very good friends.
They stayed and chatted together till about 3.35a.m. A friend of the house was with me in my office and as he was bidding me farewell, he came back to inform me that the FCT Minister, General Useni was out of the Head of State’s Guest House within the Villa. I then decided to inform the ADC and other security boys that I would be on my way home to prepare for the early morning event at the International Conference Centre.

At about 5a.m; the security guards ran to my quarters to inform me that the Head of State was very unstable. At first, I thought it was a coup attempt. Immediately, I prepared myself fully for any eventuality.

As an intelligence officer and the Chief Security Officer to the Head of State for that matter, I devised a means of diverting the attention of the security boys from my escape route by asking my wife to continue chatting with them at the door – she was in the house while the boys were outside. From there, I got to the Guest House of the Head of State before them.

When I got to the bedside of the Head of State, he was already gasping. Ordinarily, I could not just touch him. It was not allowed in our job. But under the situation on ground, I knelt close to him and shouted, “General Sani Abacha, Sir, please grant me permission to touch and carry you.” I again knocked at the stool beside the bed and shouted in the same manner, yet he did not respond. I then realized there was a serious danger. I immediately called the Head of State’s personal physician, Dr. Wali, who arrived the place under eight minutes from his house.

He immediately gave Oga – General Abacha – two doses of injection, one at the heart and another close to his neck. This did not work apparently as the Head of State had turned very cold. He then told me that the Head of State was dead and nothing could be done after all.

I there and then asked the personal physician to remain with the dead body while I dashed home to be fully prepared for the problems that might arise from the incident. As soon as I informed my wife, she collapsed and burst into tears. I secured my house and then ran back.

At that point, the Aide-de-Camp had been contacted by me and we decided that great caution must be taken in handling the grave situation.
Again, I must reiterate that the issue of my Boss dying on top of women was a great lie just as the insinuation that General Sani Abacha ate and died of poisoned apples was equally a wicked lie. My question is: did Chief M.K.O Abiola die of poisoned apples or did he die on top of women? As I had stated at the Oputa Panel, their deaths were organized. Pure and simple!

It was at this point that I used our special communication gadgets to diplomatically invite the Service Chiefs, Military Governors and some few elements purportedly to a meeting with the Head of State by 9a.m. at the Council Chamber. That completed, I also decided to talk to some former leaders of the nation to inform them that General Sani Abacha would like to meet them by 9a.m.

Situation became charged however, when one of the Service Chiefs, Lieutenant General Ishaya Rizi Bamaiyi, who pretended to be with us, suggested he be made the new Head of State after we had quietly informed him of the death of General Sani Abacha. He even suggested we should allow him access to Chief Abiola. We smelt a rat and other heads of security agencies, on hearing this, advised I move Chief Abiola to a safer destination. I managed to do this in spite of the fact that I had been terribly overwhelmed with the crisis at hand.

But then, when some junior officers over-heard the suggestion of one of the Service Chiefs earlier mentioned, it was suggested to me that we should finish all the members of the Provisional Ruling Council and give the general public an excuse that there was a meeting of the PRC during which a shoot-out occurred between some members of the Provisional Ruling Council and the Body Guards to the Head of State

When I sensed that we would be contending with far more delicate issues than the one on ground, I talked to Generals Buba Marwa and Ibrahim Sabo who both promptly advised us – the junior officers – against any bloodshed. They advised we contact General Ibrahim Babangida (former Military President) who equally advised against any bloodshed but that we should support the most senior officer in the Provisional Ruling Council (PRC) to be the new Head of State.

Since the words of our elders are words of wisdom, we agreed to support General Jeremiah Useni. Along the line, General Bamaiyi lampooned me saying, “Can’t you put two and two together to be four? Has it not occurred to you that General Useni who was the last man with the Head of State might have poisoned him, knowing full well that he was the most senior officer in the PRC?”

Naturally, I became furious with General Useni since General Abacha’s family had earlier on complained severally about the closeness of the two Generals; at that, a decision was taken to storm General Useni’s house with almost a battalion of soldiers to effect his arrest. Again, some heads of security units and agencies, including my wife, advised against the move.

The next most senior person and officer in government was General Abdulsalami Abubakar, who was then the Chief of Defence Staff. We rejected the other Service Chief, who, we believed, was too ambitious and destructive. We settled for General Abubakar and about six of us called him inside a room in the Head of State’s residence to break the news of the death of General Abacha to him.

As a General with vast experience, Abdulsalami Abubakar, humbly requested to see and pray for the soul of General Abacha which we allowed. Do we consider this a mistake? Because right there, he – Abubakar – went and sat on the seat of the late Head of State. Again, I was very furious. Like I said at the Oputa Panel, if caution was not applied, I would have gunned him down.

The revolution the boys were yearning for would have started right there. The assumption that we could not have succeeded in the revolution was a blatant lie. We were in full control of the State House and the Brigade of Guards. We had loyal troops in Keffi and in some other areas surrounding the seat of government – Abuja. But I allowed peace to reign because we believed it would create further crises in the country.

We followed the advice of General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida and the wise counsel of some loyal senior officers and jointly agreed that General Abdulsalami Abubakar be installed Head of State, Commander-in-Chief of the Nigerian Armed Forces immediately after the burial of General Sani Abacha in Kano. It is an irony of history that the same Service Chief who wanted to be Head of State through bloodshed, later instigated the new members of the Provisional Ruling Council against us and branded us killers, termites and all sorts of hopeless names. They planned, arranged our arrest, intimidation and subsequent jungle trial in 1998 and 1999. These, of course, led to our terrible condition in several prisons and places of confinement


Chris Kehinde Nwandu is the Editor In Chief of CKNNEWS || He is a Law graduate and an Alumnus of Lagos State University, Lead City University Ibadan and Nigerian Institute Of Journalism || With over 2 decades practice in Journalism, PR and Advertising, he is a member of several Professional bodies within and outside Nigeria || Member: Institute Of Chartered Arbitrators ( UK ) || Member : Institute of Chartered Mediators And Conciliation || Member : Nigerian Institute Of Public Relations || Member : Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria || Fellow : Institute of Personality Development And Customer Relationship Management || Member and Chairman Board Of Trustees: Guild Of Professional Bloggers of Nigeria


  1. Al Mustapha a well trained and loyal soldier.

  2. Tell us who kill Abacha!

  3. Going back to the retrospect of leadership in Nigeria, Abacha is far more better as a leader than this ogogoro man. May his gentle soul rest in perfect peace.

    1. Ofuchi learn how to respect you father. You don't have respect for them

    2. Many people suffer short memories of national tragedies. If a member of your family or one of your friends had been gunned down by the Abacha junta you probably would ponder your comparison. Nigeria is going through an evolution. Only the best will come out of it.

    3. henry ndulue,God punish you,bastard like you,is it not the same you that was arrested 4months ago for sexually abusing a 8 year old boy,and you confessed that the boys father raped you when you where in secondary school,you will die this month,MARK MY WORDS


    1. Gbam!

    2. Gbam what?Most u attached religion to everytin?I tot Gowon n Obasanjo are christians n were heads of state at a point. Useni was not considered bcos he d last person to see d president alive n therefore he was a prime suspect.Abdulsalami was second to him,simple!

  5. @Victor if is ws Abacha leadership by nw ppl lik u 'l b in 6ft n a gud meal to maggots bcos d way u insult Gej d way u like, if u try it wit Abacha sgt. Roger 'l trace u to dat ur huz n gun u down. So jt shut ur month n grow up.

  6. Oseni was a womaniser who was sharing Abuja houses to women..he couldn't have been trusted

  7. Well as d head of state are d nt suppose to carry out an antopsy on his corps?weather he ws poisoned or nt at apoint Abacha ws seeing himsef as a god taken ppls live anyhw, it ws ppls prayers God ansa abeg!

    1. Nigeria needs someone like abach if abacha was alive Boko haram would have been boko dead since.
      Nigeria does not need softies.
      Where are we now? We have become the laughing stock of Africa.
      If Abacha was alive no foreign troops would set foot in Nigeria but now every tom dick and hary want to help the Army.
      If Abacha was alive who would dare ridicule the Army?
      But now every body is a prof who wants to give the army instruction and map to sanbissa forresst.
      Abacha we miss you.

    2. Nice 1 bro,

  8. This is good write up. The CSO has forgotten that the whole ChristIans in this nation called upon Almighty God to destroy the enemies of Nigeria and it happened that Late General Sani Abacha was the one enemy. If what he said about the incident at the airport is true then it is in line with one of the ways God has been operating since He created the world i.e making sure that the enemies of his children destroy themselves by themselves(Arafat, Abacha, Abiola,etc are all of the same faith). Mustapha is yet to tell the whole world how many innocent souls he wasted in bid to make Gen. Abacha a life President. The purported NADECO bomb blasts, the ADC plane crash, the assinnation of Pa Rewane, etc

  9. Al mustapher, u are d man who made Abacha to be so hated by Nigerians. You kiled and mained innocent nigerians at will whose blood you will account for. I haven't seen a worthless cynical officer like u wit all ur self aclaimed inteligence, the day Abacha picked u as his Chief security officer was when he died. The events of 7 and 8 june 1998 were a mirage. Did u knw hw many nigerians celebrated Abacha's death ?

  10. Al-Mustapher u were only folowin d order,May God 4give u.

  11. Senior man Abacha.I trust u.If it was urera this useless group ccalled bokoharam are trying to disturb ur govt, u would hv ended their activities under 3months.Eveb by now, all the sponsors of bokoharam must hv relocated outside Nigeria.U type are rear in a country. Talented die-hard wicked man.In ending the insurgency, u would hv succeeded cos u are a master in wickedness.Shekau is just a learner in atrocities.

    1. Oh boy/Girl, ur write up is so well constructive, I can't just stop laughing wif ur ironic combinations of words. Thumbs up. Only d master of wickedness know the escape route of the wicked really.

  12. Pls write a memoir!

  13. Yes I predicted what happened in one of my comments . Abiolas death and Abbacha were not natural the odds are one to many. Abiola,Abacha and yaradua and who else? Abiola was last given a cup of tea by a woman from the CIA. They should exhume the bodies and they will find the trace.
    May their souls rest in peace.

  14. The cloud is gardering again over Nigeria. May God rescue us from agents of distruction. Almigthy God, you saved us from the hands of Abacha & problems of June 12, save us again from Boko Haram deviours politicians that want to drag us to senseless war. Destroy thier plans & consume them in their evil plans. Amen

  15. And again I speak!, The western power, mainly US, Britain & france has commited atrocities against Mankind that can never ever be marched. They (West) were motivated by 'greed' to consume d world thereby destroying over 800 millions lives btw S & N America, Africa, Australia and later over 400 mill btw India, China, whole of Asia. The rivalry amongst them degenerate to 1st & 2nd WW & d cold war wit more millions of lives. The big Question I like to ask Nigerians is 'do u think they (west) have change 4 better? Of course not, cos their greed knows no bound, materialism is their way of life, They have many prominent pple in d society as agent, as funny as it may sound to some pple, Fela Kuti sang on hw d west recruit agent to be used against a country

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